Small holder women farmers of Nenwe chapter in Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu state demonstrated their willingness to invest in the business of agriculture when they recently procured two units of land tillers (mini tractors).
Upon assemblage, the equipment were tested to ensure their workability at the end of which the women expressed satisfaction with its performance. The tractor, which was said to be feminine-gender friendly and very effective in its operations.
According to Lovelyn Ejims, a leading voice in the Women-In-Agriculture (WIA) circles, “one major problem of the tractor is the difficulty which elderly women have in controlling it”. “Equally, we have observed that the topography of the area also poses considerable challenge” Ejims stated.
Ejims noted that most communities in the south east have small land parcelation and poor rural roads so the tiller is a veritable tool for improving agricultural production in line with the Agric Transformation Agenda of the Federal Government and also help the women in agriculture improve their standard of living, while contributing their little quota in helping Nigeria become self sufficient in food production.
“We want to be seen to be contributing positively and not waiting for handouts” Ejims added, while calling on women in other rural communities across the country to also explore the possibilities of deploying the tractor which according to her, is a new innovation and “a good development for small holder women farmers because of its convenience”.